Audio mastering

The audio mastering carried out by Azkaban Records will offer you the opportunity to achieve a professional rendering and optimize your album for broadcast on streaming platforms and radio.

The ultimate step required for broadcasting on digital platforms and radio

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Azkaban Records – Mastering

The mastering step is the finishing touch when creating an album. It is an essential step that optimizes the dynamics and overall balance in a song. Mastering gives shine, depth and boosts volumes. It optimizes the level of listening, perfects the overall sound. Multiband compression, equalization, dynamization effects can be added. This is the ultimate essential step in adapting your track to broadcast on streaming platforms and radio while respecting the standards of the current music industry.

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Azkaban Records – audio mastering

Azkaban Records offers you a mastering made by human ears

There are many online mastering offers made by automatic algorithms. Azkaban Records offers you a professional mastering carried out by a qualified specialist. A mastering carried out by human ears, adapted to the style of your music. The estimated time is about 72 hours for a track and a week for a full album.

After ordering, you will be asked to send your mix by wetransfer, dropbox or google drive. You can send a single stereo file or stems containing the different tracks of the mix. Do not hesitate to give examples of titles approaching the desired result, to make specific requests if you have them (bass reinforcement, stereo enlargement etc…).  When ordering, you can choose the format of the export of your stereo file (16, 24 bits – 44.1 kHz stereo, wav, flac, mp3). Azkaban Records offers  you the possibility to make a DDP image of your master, which you will be able to send directly  to the factory for pressing your CDs or Vinyls.