DDP Image
For shipment to the factory, it is requested to provide a DDP image for pressing CDs or vinyls. By transforming the master of your album into a DDP image in order to send it to the CD pressing factory, you avoid possible errors when pressing your albums.

For the creation of your DDP image, we will need these informations :
- the name of the album
- the name of the band(s) involved for each track
- Audio files in Wav (44.1 kHz/16 bit) – unless you make the master with Azkaban Records
- the name of each title
- Tracklisting with the defined order of tracks
- Authors, composers and arrangers for each track
- ISRC codes when already assigned by the distributor
- UPC/EAN code (13 digits)
- The genre (jazz, rock, classical, reggae etc …)
- Special requests: the average break time between each track is 2 seconds but you have the possibility to request to extend or shorten this time
Azkaban records will then send you the download link of the folder containing the DDP image to be transmitted directly to the CD pressing or duplication factory.